Paladin Corporation

Chief Security Officer@4x

Chief Security Officer [CSO]


The Chief Security Officer can take control of operations from Executive Leaders if the CEO authorizes it in the case of a security breach, Corporate takeover, and / or investigation into theft from the higher members of management.

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Security Supreme Commander [SSC]

The Head Security Advisor is over the Security Marine Force. He works with the Grand Admiral to provide security within the fleet’s ships. He also provides security for outpost and Corporate structures. He answers to only the Chief Security Officer. His / her main goal is to manage security for the corporation and fleets.

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Head Security Commander [HSC]

The Head Security Commander is in charge of his / her Security Corps in his / her district.

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Security Lieutenant Commander [SLC]

The Security Lieutenant Commander is in charge of his / her division he / she has been assigned to.

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Deputy Commander [DC]


The Deputy Commander is in charge of his / her brigade of Security Marines.

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Captain Director [CD]

The Captain Director is in charge of his / her Regiment of Security Marines.

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Security Captain [SCAPT]

BadboyNC, Captain_Squirrel

The Security Captain is in charge of his / her Battalion of Security Marines.

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Deputy Security Captain [DSC]

The Deputy Security Captain is in charge of his / her Company of Security Marines.


Lieutenant [ML]

Sevoros, Pukwudgie

The Lieutenant is in charge of his / her Platoon of Security Marines.

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Staff Sergeant [SSGT]

Steeter, The_Hadknight

The Staff Sergeant is in charge of his / her Squad of Security Marines.

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Corporal Security Officer [CoSO]

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Senior Security Officer [SSO]

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Security Marine Officer [SMO]

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Security Marine 1st Class (SM 1st)

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Security Marine 2nd Class (SM 2nd)

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Security Marine 3rd Class (SM 3rd)

demonsniper001, WhiskEstache
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Security Marine (SM)

Arbter5, Athena-1, EssixGreen, GearldGhost, LordVeridian, SniperPaladin, SupaGummy, UglySewerRat, Unholyo_Ghost, Wingnut3301, -Zedain, Lone-Samurai, CombineAlpha, Dreamroot, hasski
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Security Grunt (SG)

Ania, Azarakk, canablaze, CanadianBacOn, CazTheMan, Cieten, DarkAngel3750, ELITEDUDE117, GhostPR, InfernalTerminus, IzzyCrazy8, K1RB, Kufg, LMN123, Moonxy, NomadicViking, O2nautical, Oleary, PrimalCore, pwwb, RorSchakk, ScorpionRage, Therealmom, TweedzGroHash, Doom85100, RhonJambo, Space Reaper, Gingey_Senpai, solidasheron, taykotayy