Paladin Corporation

The Paladin Corporation Needs You!

We are a group of dedicated members passionate about Star Citizen. We accept all players that share our interests and goals. While we all see each other as family we realize that you have a life outside of this organization. We will never tell you to put Paladin Corps above your duty to your family, job, or outside life.

The Paladin Corporation stands against piracy and acts of griefing other members of the community. We have developed roles for all types of players. You can join us in flying with our top rated Security Fleet, charging forward with our award winning Security Marines, or simply joining our excellent industrial division in mining / salvaging materials.

The Paladin Corporation is a non-exclusive organization in which our members are more than welcome to take part in other organizations. Our leadership reserves the right to blacklist organizations, or prohibit affiliation with an organization if the said organization poses a security threat to The Paladin Corporation.

Learn more about The Paladin Organization Here

View Our Org's Gallery

View screenshots from our Org's Operations.

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Joining the cause!

If you are interested in joining the Paladins, jump over to our Discord! From here you can reach out to other members and join us in all the action!

A member of our onboarding team will reach our to you right away! You can also reach them through the welcome channel.

Requirements to Join

• Must be at least 18 years old
• Must have an active Discord account
• Must have a mic and speakers, or a headset for voice communication
• Must be respectful and polite
• Affiliates and Allies are welcome

Once accepted into The Paladin Corporation you will be granted the rank of Recruit. In order to move up in ranks you must be an active member of the org. Ranks will be given to those who deserve them. The Paladin Corporation will hold training missions as well that will allow you to move on from the Recruit position.

Join the Paladin Corporation

Join the Paladin Corporation to enhance your skills, and find like minded players to enjoy the game with!

Click Here

Certification & Division Selection

When you first join with The Paladin Corporation you will not be affiliated with one of our divisions. You will be given the opportunity to choose which division you would like to join. Please feel free to discuss with other members what they like about each division, and feel free to join in on our operations to get a feel. Please note that until a division has been chosen you will not move past the Recruit ranking. 

At the point in which you decide which division you’d like to join, you can simply reach out to one of our high ranking officers and let them know which division you decide to pledge into. At this point you will officially be a member of that division. You are more than welcome to change divisions, but please note that if you do your rank will be reset.

Choosing a division does not lock you into only playing that role. Our security marines can run operations with our Industrialists, and our fleet can run on the ground with our security marines. Most of our members have an appreciation for each of our divisions and you will see some overlap while playing Star Citizen with us. Our divisions are designed more as a focus point on what you would like to excel at, as well as what you are passionate about.

We ask that you choose a division to join within the first month of active play with us. 

The Divisions

Paladin Security Marines (PSM)

The Paladin Security Marines are known for their loyalty, professionalism, and courage in the face of danger. They often take on high-risk missions that require superior firepower and tactics. Some of their notable operations include defending a mining outpost from a pirate attack, escorting a VIP through a war zone, and infiltrating a hostile base to rescue hostages. The Paladin Security Marines are one of the most respected and feared forces in the Star Citizen universe. Become the best at being Paladin Security and join the ELITE division. Earn that ELITE patch.

Paladin Security Fleet (PSF)

The Paladin Security Fleet is one of the largest and most diverse fleets in the Star Citizen universe. It allows the Paladin Security Corporation to offer a wide range of security services to various clients across the galaxy. Want to earn our Ace Medal? Come show us what you got!

Paladin Industrialists (PI)

The Paladin Industrialists are known for their dedication to providing the organization with resources and materials needed. They often are found in deep space removing an old hull from a ruined ship, or mining Quantanium to help fuel our ships. Join our industrialists today to bring in much needed resources for our organization.

The Paladin Corporation is structured with lots of roles to fill. We are always looking for strong members to take part in leadership, or volunteer to command a small team when the opportunity arises for special ops. Spend some time honing your craft and you may be offered to run training certifications, as well as asked to take part in a higher role, or maybe run your own events. If casual gameplay is more your speed feel free to join with us and know we always have your back. Getting attacked by a pirate brigade? Hop on discord and ask for reinforcements! We have your back!

Our members are encouraged to play the game in a way that they see fit. We want all our members to have a good time while having like minded people to play with.

Any Questions? Feel Free To Reach Out To Your Officers.

We're Here To Help!